Congrats on having a new home!

Yet, we are sorry to tell you, but before you land there, you should take care of your current tenant’s responsibilities. Besides the traditional end of tenancy cleaning, you must also consider how to fix the damages you made during your life on rent.

Time leaves its scar anywhere, including in homes where hygiene and neatness were established as golden rules. This is why you shouldn’t panic if you see any damage. You still have time to fix it, especially with having the tenancy deposit returned in full to keep in mind.

Besides, below, you might find some really practical tips to rely on.

Check your tenancy agreement first

Before you call the handyman or tell your wife to get the home repair tools, spend a couple of minutes reading.

In the lease contract, you can inform about the damages you are responsible for fixing as a tenant. Find the clause with the end of the tenancy cleaning guide and see if there’s anything said about the tears and wears. Contact your landlord or letting agent if you don’t understand anything from the contract.

You have plenty of things to do right now, and handling something you are not supposed to will be a big waste of time and energy.

Thoroughly inspect the whole property before ending the tenancy

When you know what to look for, start inspecting the entire property. Go from room to room and check for any issues like holes, spots, broken items, and you name it.

Since you should return the entire property back to its presentable condition, no damage should be underestimated.

Having a to-do list with all the repairs you must do before ending the tenancy would be good. Having them all written down might tell you whether you can handle them or whether it’s better to call some professional technicians.

How to make a difference between damage and wear and tear

Whether rented or your own, the property surely suffers from ordinary deterioration. It’s normal for the time to cause some wear and tear alongside the house or the flat.

This is why these little issues cannot become reasons for the landlord to detain your tenancy deposit partially or fully. However, any tenant must distinguish between the typical wear and tear and the damage that must be fixed.

Here’s a list of everyday wear and tear types you don’t need to worry or do anything about:

  • Worn out of the linoleum;
  • Worn rug patterns;
  • Cracks on the lighting switches;
  • Wall cracks;
  • Any sun-faded surfaces;
  • Wear and tear in high-traffic zones;
  • Worn-out zones on the rugs due to heavy furniture;
  • Grimy tile grouts;
  • And many others.

Common things you need to repair before moving out

Here’s how to understand whether something is a type of damage to be fixed or ordinary wear and tear to skip.

If the issue is caused by unreasonable use, an accident, or a neglected attitude, then it’s your responsibility to repair it. If the time has caused it, you don’t have to fix anything.

Even if you have some damages to handle, most of them are not so tricky or time-wasting.

Drywall damage

While you pack your things and take the framed pictures and paintings down, don’t forget to fix the nail holes.

These are damages you should fix, and you can do it alone. All you have to do is to path them. In the supermarket, you can find putty or spackle in tubes for direct application.

If the drywall hole is big, you must sand it afterwards.

Paint chips

Within time any paint starts chipping and wearing. According to the law, the tenant is supposed to fix this issue before moving out.

You can quickly deal with the situation by scraping any peeled pain and re-painting it. Use a commercial paint scraper or get a gentle wire brush to remove the chips.

Scratched hardwood

Do you have a dog or a cat? If yes, you might see some scratches on the hardwood floor surfaces. And since the pet is yours, the responsibility to fix the damage is yours.

You need wood putty and a stain marker for the scratched hardwood surface to perform a quick patching job. Then, polish the wooden surfaces with essential oil.

Scuff marks

During packing, de-cluttering, and deep end of tenancy cleaning, it’s possible for the walls to experience some bumps.

As a result, you will see scuff marks on your final property check. Instead of giving up on your tenancy deposit because it’s too late, make a quick repair.

You can fix the scuff marks with a magic eraser. The other smart solution against these issues is your toothpaste.

Easy plumbing

If the damage is huge or even caused by pests, you better call a professional. If it’s a small thing to fix, don’t hesitate to use our guide below:

  • Equip yourself with the right tools: a screwdriver, pliers, and a wrench.
  • If the faucet leaks, first find where the damage comes from and then see if you need some replacement;
  • Unclog the drain with an ordinary screwdriver and a coat hanger rather than spending money on any commercial chemical solution. Simply remove the plug and use the coat hanger to let the water flow faultlessly.

What can be repaired by simply cleaning

Some of the damages can be fixed during the end of the tenancy cleaning routine.

All stains, for instance, can be removed as long as you know the right cleaning hacks for them.

For instance, baking soda and lukewarm water can eliminate a rug stain. The mould in the bathroom can be easily removed with ordinary alcohol. White vinegar is also a good solution for this purpose. The burnt food on the oven surfaces can be scrubbed off with lemon juice.

What are the damages you are not responsible for fixing before ending the tenancy

Apart from the everyday wear and tear issues, you might see some other specific damages on the property, but you should leave your landlord to handle them.

According to British law and probably as it’s written in your lease contract, you are not responsible for fixing damages that were caused by:

  • Any natural event or bad climate condition (for instance, severe storms, a flood, or an earthquake);
  • Burglaries. If you were robbed and the criminals did any damage to the property during the event, it’s better to inform the landlord as soon as possible. Thus, you will have a legal excuse not to fix any of the issues;
  • Your landlord. He might have handled some renovations, repairs, or home improvements on the property. If your landlord’s actions led to damages, they are not your responsibility.


You can easily please your landlord and get your tenancy deposit back with just a few fixes.

It’s not tough at all to put the property back into its primary condition, including if some damages occurred during your life on rent.

However, if during the repair job, you find some difficulties, to avoid further issues, you better rely on professional technicians.

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